
Laser Dentistry in Dubai


Painless, gentler dental treatments and fast healing

Waterlase Iplus-Laser Dentistry in Dubai

All What You Need to Know about Laser Dentistry and Waterlase iPlus Dental Laser System

Are you avoiding visiting the dentist because you are scared of the pain?

Are you afraid of the needle or hearing the sound of the traditional dental tools?


Are you looking for the best Dental Clinic in Dubai who can perform routine dental procedures with in a gentle, and minimally invasive way?


Gladly, In GYA Dental Center I use the Waterlase iPlus dental laser system which can just do that ideally!

It’s minimally invasive and in some cases, doesn’t even require drills.

I use it to remove dental veneers, treat root canal and cavities, and many more dental treatments.


You won’t have to worry about feeling any pain during your treatment.

In fact, many of my patients were surprised at how easy and painless the experience was, they won’t even believe the dental procedure was done when I told them it was done!


Today, I am going to share with you, everything you need to know about laser dentistry and Waterlase iPlus dental laser system

Keep reading to know more about the Waterlase iPlus dental laser system!

Let’s dive in 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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GYA Dental Center Use Waterlase iPlus Dental Laser System to Treats All the Following Dental Procedures

  • Crown & Dental Veneer Removal
  • Smile Design With Waterlase
  • Dental implants
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontics
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Surgical
  • Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment
  • Frenectomies
  • Gum Depigmentation
Waterlase iPlus Dental Laser

Crown & Dental Veneer Removal With Waterlase iPlus

Remove Crowns and Veneers in 5 Minutes or Less!

Crowns and veneers can be removed with a variety of methods, but one of the most effective is Waterlase iPlus.

This cutting-edge technology uses a high-powered laser to quickly and effectively remove crowns and veneers with minimal discomfort.

In addition, Waterlase iPlus can also be used to prepare the teeth for new Dental Crowns & Dental Veneers. 

Smile Design With Waterlase iPlus

Versatile Tools for Smile Design

Waterlase is effective at modifying, adjusting or refining structures to adjust alignment and spacing, whether in preparation for orthodontics or veneers. Adjusting tooth length through “crown lengthening” procedures is a straightforward, easy-to-master procedure that can generate new revenue, and more importantly, patients beaming with a dazzling new smile.

Waterlase is also a dynamo in regard to sculpting and refining soft tissue around the gum line to establish harmony and symmetry to my patients’ smiles.

Finally, whether I am prepping teeth for crowns, veneers or other restorative treatment, Waterlase has been shown to have a positive impact on bond strength.

For smile design, Waterlase is well-appointed with a broad range of clinical capabilities to deliver winning smile design.

Dental Implants With Waterlase iPlus

A Better Way to Manage Peri-Implantitis

Implants are a popular choice for tooth replacement, as they offer a more natural look and feel than other options.

However, they can also be susceptible to a condition known as peri-implantitis, which is caused by bacteria buildup around the implant.

If left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to inflammation and bone loss, eventually causing the implant to fail.

Waterlase iPlus is a new technology that offers a more effective way to manage peri-implantitis.

Unlike traditional treatments that involve scraping away the bacteria with a scalpel, Waterlase iPlus uses a laser to break down the bacteria without damaging the surrounding tissue. In addition, Waterlase iPlus is able to target specific areas.

Endodontics With Waterlase iPlus

Root Canal Cleaning and Disinfection

Root Canal Cleaning and Disinfection is a vital part of keeping your mouth healthy.
Waterlase iPlus is an advanced root canal cleaning system that uses lasers to clean and disinfect the root canal.
The Waterlase iPlus is a safe and gentle way to clean and disinfect your root canal.

Periodontics With Waterlase iPlus

Periodontics With Waterlase iPlus is a new standard of care protocol that is minimally invasive and achieves superior patient reported outcomes.
This machine is much more precise than traditional dental tools, and it doesn’t require anesthesia or numbing agents.

Surgical With Waterlase iPlus

Soft tissue surgery is made simple with Waterlase iPlus.

The BIOLASE laser enables dentist to quickly cut, sculpt, or modify soft tissue when needed with far less physiological and psychological effects on the patient than a scalpel.

During many procedures, managing the soft tissue can be the most difficult part.

With Waterlase iPlus, Dentists have the precision and control to quickly and easily make the necessary changes without causing undue stress or anxiety for patients.

This laser is truly a game-changer for oral surgeons.

Restorative Dentistry With Waterlase iPlus

Restorative Dentistry With Waterlase iPlus is the most advanced dental technology available today. Waterlase uses a patented technology that combines focused light energy with a stream of water for a highly precise, exceptionally gentle dental experience.

Waterlase iPlus is ideal for patients who are looking for a minimally invasive option that preserves healthy tissue.

When using Waterlase iPlus machine, there is no need for drills or anesthesia, and patients can experience a shorter, more comfortable treatment.


Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment With Waterlase iPlus

Frenectomies With Waterlase iPlus

Frenectomies can be a stressful experience for both parents and children.

The Waterlase iPlus helps to make the Frenectomy experience much more predictable and without the need for local anesthesia.

By using the Waterlase iPlus, Frenectomies becomes an everyday restorative procedure with little-to-no vibration and no need for anesthesia.

This helps to create lifelong patient relationships and helps parents avoid having a stressful time.

Gum Depigmentation With Waterlase iPlus

The Waterlase iPlus is a new, quick, and easy way to remove the pigmented cells responsible for the discoloration of your gums.

This revolutionary new laser uses a high-energy beam of light to target and destroy the melanocytes, without harming the surrounding tissue.

The procedure is quick and easy, with minimal discomfort and a shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgery.

Gum depigmentation with Waterlase iPlus is an effective way to improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is a type of dental care that uses laser technology to treat a variety of oral conditions.

It is an effective and safe alternative to traditional dental methods, and it can often be completed in fewer visits.

Lasers are powerful tools that can be used to remove excess tissue, improve the contours of teeth, and even whiten teeth.

Laser dentistry can be used to treat a wide range of dental problems, and it is often very effective in reducing pain and discomfort and it shows great promise for improving the oral health of patients.

What are the benefits of laser dentistry over traditional dental procedures?

Laser dentistry is a popular and effective way to treat a variety of dental conditions. Some benefits of laser dentistry over traditional dental procedures include:

Reduced pain and discomfort: Lasers can be used to numb the area being treated, making the procedure more comfortable for patients.

Less bleeding and swelling: Lasers help to seal off blood vessels and reduce inflammation, resulting in less bleeding and swelling.

Reduced risk of infection: Lasers help to kill bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of infection.

Faster healing: Lasers promote tissue regeneration, helping patients heal faster.

How Safe is Laser Dentistry and What are the Potential Risks Associated with i

Laser dentistry is a minimally invasive procedure that is typically painless and requires no anesthesia. During the procedure, the laser will be directed at the affected area of the mouth.

Laser dentistry is an effective and safe way to treat various dental conditions. Laser dentistry can provide you with the dental care you need to maintain a healthy mouth.

What Should You Expect During a Laser Dentistry Procedure?

Laser dentistry is a type of dental procedure that uses laser energy to remove tooth decay, prepare surfaces for bonding or fillings, and treat gum disease.

While laser dentistry is generally considered safe, there are potential risks associated with any type of dental procedure.

The most common side effect of laser dentistry is temporary discomfort or sensitivity.

In rare cases, laser dentistry can cause permanent changes in the color of teeth, gum tissue.

Are There Any Side Effects Associated with Laser Dentistry Procedures?

The most common side effect is temporary sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures.

This usually goes away within a few days. Laser dentistry can also cause some mild gum tissue irritation, but this usually goes away within a few days as well.

Overall, laser dentistry is considered to be a safe and effective way to treat various dental conditions.

What is the Waterlase iPlus System and What Does It Do?

The Waterlase iPlus is a versatile and powerful dental laser that can be used for a variety of procedures.

Waterlase lasers uses a stream of water to remove tissue gently and precisely. This means that procedures can be performed with minimal pain and discomfort, and often without the need for numbing agents.

Waterlase iPlus lasers can be used for everything from tooth decay removal to gum surgery, and they are even gentle enough to be used on sensitive areas like the gums.

Thanks to the Waterlase iPlus, dentistry has entered a new era of minimally invasive care.

How Does the Waterlase iPluse System Work?

The Waterlase iPlus system is a revolutionary new way to treat dental conditions.

Unlike traditional methods that use high-powered lasers to cut through teeth, the Waterlase iPlus uses a gentle stream of water to clean and remove decay.

The Waterlase iPlus system is safe for both adults and children, and it can be used to treat a variety of dental problems including cavities, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity.

In addition, the Waterlase iPlus system is much less invasive than traditional laser surgery, and it can be performed in just one visit to the dentist.

The Waterlase iPlus system is changing the way dentists treat their patients, and it is quickly becoming the gold standard in dental care.

What Are the Benefits of Using the Waterlase iPluse System?

  • Waterlase iPlus uses a unique combination of water and laser energy to gently remove the tooth enamel, making it an ideal treatment for patients who are looking for a more conservative approach to dental care.
  • Waterlase iPlus is also more comfortable than traditional dental methods, and because it is minimally invasive, it can help to reduce the risk of infection and other complications.
  • In addition, Waterlase iPlus is faster and more efficient than traditional dental methods, meaning that patients can expect to see faster results.
  • Overall, Waterlase iPlus offers a safe, comfortable, and effective way to improve your oral health
  • The Waterlase iPlus is a versatile laser that can be used for a number of different dental procedures, including tooth whitening, cavity preparation, and gum contouring.
  • The Waterlase iPlus uses a combination of laser energy and water to gently remove tooth decay or unwanted tissue. The laser energy also helps to seal the treated area, which helps to reduce the risk of infection.

5 min Read |  Updated August 19, 2023

Written by Dr. Gabriella Aftene

Dr. Gabriella started her career at the University of N. Testimiteanu Medicine and Pharmacy, she went on to continue her studies at the University of Carol Davila Medicine and Pharmacy. She continued her education in Germany Frankfurt, Italy Genoa, Spain Seville, Portugal Lisbon and France Lyon.

Topics: Laser Dentistry

References and Resources

Our aim of this article is to spread awareness about general oral health, We do not consider all the information and the advice presented a substitute for consulting your dentist. Therefore, We would like to invite you to visit GYA Dental Center to know more about dental treatments, we will be happy to provide the best consultation regarding your case.

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